The story for the campaign revolves around a boy in the 1930s who discovers a toy at Tienda Inglesa, which later turns out to be a time machine that actually works. This discovery initiates communication with someone from his future, leading to a surprising conclusion, say the collaborators. 

This campaign is a spin-off from the multi-award-winning campaign 'Mucha historia, mucho futuro' that was created for Tienda Inglesa two years ago, which portrays the store's story with a recreation of the city of Montevideo in the 1930s.

"When a script like this emerges, we feel that art, cinema and advertising converge. This presents us with a significant challenge that inspires us to assemble the best team to ensure an impressive outcome, leveraging all our resources and expertise. This piece is more than a TV commercial; it's a short film or branded content of over three minutes," says Oliver Garland, director and founder of Olga Lee.

Olga Lee is a production company that evolved from Dogstar Films and was awarded Best Production Company of Uruguay at El Ojo de Iberoamérica in 2021.

Garland adds, "The piece undergoes meticulous narrative development and polished craft. We worked on art direction with the collaboration of Mariana Rivero, conducting research into the era and analysing each element placed in front of the camera. We created a toy — the time machine — from the 1930s, referencing it with Artificial Intelligence. We designed it with Santiago Vecino, a renowned illustrator working in Hollywood for Disney and other studios." 

According to the production company, Olga Lee works with the aim of establishing a trademark. By delivering pieces that exhibit excellence in casting, actor direction, craft and evoking emotions, it aims to create profound narratives with layers — serving as a narrative and audiovisual journey for the audience.

"Bringing forth a piece like this requires close collaboration from the client, led by Pablo Rego in marketing, the creativity of Mario Taglioretti as DGC, leading a highly talented team for Publicis Ímpetu, and a crew of Uruguay's finest — personally committed to this beautiful story," concludes Garland.

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